"It’s more Kong than it’s ever been Kong before"

Films: Kong: Skull Island (2017), Godzilla vs. Kong (2021), Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire (2024)

Alias: King Kong (Titanus Kong), Skullcrawlers (Titanus Cranium Reptant, Skull Devils, Ramarak, Number 10), Leafwings, Mother Longlegs, Sker Buffalo, Mire Squid, Spore Mantis

Type: Natural

Location: Jungle/Forest/River/Civilized area/Ocean/Desert

Height/Weight: Ranges from that of average birds of prey to 102 meters and over 158 metric tons.

Affiliation: Good (Kong), Neutral (the rest)

Summary: Skull Island is just the worst in every single continuity it shows up in. But unlike the unfortunately dated land of 1933 and the absolute Hell from 2005, this place strikes a balance between calm and relentless. And it all keeps coming back to its main resident, the big ape known as Kong.

History: Located somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, Skull Island is a mysterious place forever surrounded by furious storms, and filled to the brim with bizarre and dangerous wildlife. The only people who live there are the Iwi tribe, who have taken a collective code of silence as to not attract trouble. The only creature they don't fear is Kong, a massive ape who lost his parents in a horrible war between his kind and the Skullcrawlers, a race of serpentine monsters that came from the Hollow Earth (though we later learn that Kong’s kind has its origins there too). Flash forward to the seventies, and now outsiders are coming to make Kong's life harder...or easier, give or take.

Notable Kills: A Mother Longlegs impaling a guy though the mouth, the Leafwings tearing a man apart while in the air, and a Skullcrawler swallowing a man whole as his camera still flashes. For Kong, the whole damn massacre he unloads upon the helicopters that were dropping bombs on the island, as well as personally smashing the guy who wanted him dead. There's also him casually crushing a flying ship with an APEX goon in it, as well as him ripping a Wart Dog in half (right before taking a shower after realizing how disgusting that was in practice). Also, see Final Fate.

Final Fate: With the help of some good people, Kong is able to kill Ramarak the Skull Devil by first slicing its throat with a boat propeller, and then tearing its guts out by the tongue. Sadly, the storms that once protected the island soon render it uninhabitable, forcing MONARCH to relocate Kong to a cramped facsimile of his home. But luckily, Kong manages to find a new and much more fulfilling home in the Hollow Earth. That is, after nearly getting killed by Godzilla twice and facing off against Mechagodzilla, with the two main titans coming out victorious in the end before making peace with one another. And even after THAT, Kong has to fight to keep his home when he faces the dreaded Skar King. Thankfully, he's able to prevail thanks to Godzilla, and now he rules the tribe of great apes there alongside his adoptive son Suko, and the powerful Titan Shimo. Kong is officially king.

Powers/Abilities: Kong’s greatest asset, aside from his strength and deceptive agility, is his intellect. He is one of the only titans capable of learning sign language and using tools, such as improvised weapons. His greatest weapon was a battle axe made from the dorsal spine of one of Godzilla's kind, which can pierce the hardest hide and can even be powered up by thermonuclear energy so it becomes an honest to God lightsaber. Much later, he is given by humans the mighty B.E.A.S.T (Bio Enhanced Anatomech Seismic Thunder) Glove, a metal gauntlet that can deliver super-charged punches. The creatures of the island mostly get their abilities from blending in with the environment. The Skullcrawler's best weapon is a long multi-ended tongue that can snatch most things smaller than them off their feet.

Weakness: Heavy artillery, as well as beings of equal or greater power.

Scariness Factor: 4-No Skull Island is ever NOT scary. Everything here is one with the land they inhabit, but most like the Mother Longlegs and the Leafwings are voracious predators that you'll almost never see coming. The Skullcrawlers are ten times worse, being invasive horrors with bottomless stomachs and a desire to kill everything. As for Kong, this is the largest we've ever seen him, and he is more than capable of destroying an entire army of people if he wants to. And yet he is one of the most emotive and approachable of the Titans, if only because he's an intelligent primate. Let’s hope he finds true happiness in the Hollow Earth.

Trivia: -There are many creatures on Skull Island that aren't seen in the films, but in the promotional material like the comics. These include the lightning-spewing Psychovultures, pack-hunting Death Jackals, the water-dwelling Sirenjaw, and the beautiful yet ferocious Spirit Tiger.

-Director Jordan Vogt-Roberts has gone on record stating that "Pokemon" and "Princess Mononoke" were major inspirations for the various designs for the Skull Island inhabitants.

Image Gallery

He does not approve of your Mountain Dew mist.

I see a bad sun rising...

Showdown at Skull Island Corral.

So, THAT'S why the pandas are declining, aside from everything else.

Wait until they get to the McDonalds area.

Yeah. Sure. That's a 'mantis'. My pug is more of a mantis than them.

"Guess what? I got his nudes in this thing!"

Count your blessings, Ramarak. At least he didn't shove that tree into your throat.
Maybe tickle him a bit?

In case you forgot Japan endorsed this universe.


Kumonga-lite? Wait until you actually stand below it...

You don't go dropping bombs on somebody's place unless you're asking for trouble, indeed.

Behold. If you gave gluttony a Kaiju form...

Can you tell he's lonely yet?

Gangplank Galleon intensifies.
Guess they should know about the Mire Squid.

"P A T H E T I C."


Ms. Spider, NO!

No, Oodooku didn't make it. Stop fanboying. I know I was.

Guess they think they're ninjas.


Suddenly, shoving a tree into that gullet doesn't sound too bad.
Apocalypse Not-Now. Wait two years.

Stare into the abyss and it just GLARES back at you.

Think they're harmless? Try smelling its swamp breath.

Guess he'll love Japan more than this version of Godzilla.

Little evil winning smiles!

Free air-rides, courtesy of Ramarak!
